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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

Mitch Albom

My favourite Author...

At the start of this year I was trying to escape a rough patch. During this time I would find myself constantly shopping. The reason for this is not clear. As while I was going through this patch, the last thing I really wanted was to be around people. Which doesn't make sense as shops are obviously always full of people. Unless of course I broke in at night...which is something I would never consider doing as I'd probably end up in jail, with no get out jail free card. [slight tangent...]

Anyway one of the shops I'd mostly find myself in (other than clothes shops) was book shops. Maybe this was so I could escape the noise of other shops for a while, and give myself a little break. Anyhow as I was looking on one of the "best books of the week" tables. I noticed the title 'The First Five People You Meet In Heaven' by Mitch Albom. Now for me personally I've never been religious. I was never christened or baptised, nor never attended church unless it was compulsory by my primary school. However I have always been open to the idea of a place we go to when we die, not necessarily heaven or hell but a place.

This has to be one of the best books I think I've ever had the pleasure of reading. It was so inspiring and uplifting. If anything it gave me guidance without meaning to. Since then I have been hooked on his books. I feel that each of Mitch Albom's books teaches me something new. A new life lesson to support my own life journey. I personally think everyone could find something within Mitch Albom's books. So therefore I recommend them to everyone. Everyone and anyone who stumbles across this post. Mitch Albom is a wise and inspirational writer and I think everyone could do with a bit of Mitch in their life.

"Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it." - Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie.

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