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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

Netflix, You've Done It Again!

13 reasons why...

Opening Title 13 Reasons Why

So over the past week or so the internets been going a bit crazy over a new tv show called '13 Reasons Why' which has been aired on Netflix. For anyone who doesn't know or hasn't got around to watching it yet, the show is about a girl in high school who commits suicide. However before having done this she has recorded tapes listing 13 reasons/people that lead her to do this. I'd also like to add that this is adapted from a book. I haven't read it but after watching this I probably will to see what had been changed or for need of a better word, adapted.

Without giving away spoilers or it being too heavy...I'd honestly say to watch it. No matter what your age, gender or it. There's lessons to be learnt by everyone in it. Wether it's just to be a bit kinder, consider what you say or do before you do it, or even if you just ignore rumours and think for yourself...we can all take something from this.

The show covers a lot of important issues for example bullying, loneliness, rape and of course suicide. All of which are dealt with by the director and actors appropriately. 

I just personally couldn't rate this any higher. I've mentioned before in blogs about how I believe judging people is bad and how you can never know completely what is going on inside a persons mind, and I think this is just such a true representation of this...which I think everyone should at least attempt to open their mind to. 

So wether you decided to binge watch it all in one day, or spread it out over a few days. Give it a chance. Who knows, it might even change the way you see the least in some areas.

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