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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

The Theatre

In my opinion...

I've always seen going to the theatre as a magical experience. There's just so much it offers, in comparison to watching a film. I mean for starters there's the environment. The uniqueness of the theatre building's. The Victorian architecture; leaving the thought in the back of your mind about all of the generations that have sat there before you, seeing possibly the same production, with just a different cast and a few tweaks here and there and a modernised set.

Not only that but I think the theatre as a whole has such an amazing ability to create a community out of people, you'd never expect to be together. The different ages, backgrounds, everything...all these people brought together for one purpose, that being to see this particular show. The jumbled voices of everyone speaking before the show begins, then as soon as the light drops the audience almost in unison comes to a silence eagerly awaiting the start of the introduction music. I just think it's incredible.

The whole atmosphere of the theatre during the show, leaves me speechless. Everyone's undivided attention due to everyone respecting the no phones request of the staff. The dramatic build up of applause at the end of each scene. The feeling of showing so much appreciation to the whole cast and everyone who takes part to make the production what it is. I really think it's nice to be able to go to the theatre even if it's not very often. Just to see the comparison of how we kind of lose ourselves not only in technology but just in the world. If people showed that kind of appreciation everyday to people just doing everyday'd definitely make everyone's day a bit nicer.

Even just talking about it makes me love it even more...I guess that's why I wanted to go into theatre myself...the passion's still there it seems. ❤️

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