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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

Be You!

Everyone else is taken...

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!" - Dr Seuss

In times of difficulty when writing, I tend to go back to simpler means.This is one of the simplest quotes I've come across. However It's also very important. It comes from a children's book, and in my opinion this is the mind frame all children should have growing up.

Everyone is different. Different genders, races, religions, sexuality, backgrounds. Every little detail that builds up a person...makes a person who they are. So no matter what anyone thinks, you should never give up the right to be who you want to be. Which is easier said then done. Because in this life there are a lot of stigmas, and bad publicity which leads to bad opinions. For example with a lot of issues regarding terrorism in the news, certain narrow-minded people begin to think and even spread that if one person is like that from a certain religion...then it must be a religious thing. Which of course is incorrect and leads to these victims either denying their religion or being seen in a negative light. Which is ludicrous.

Another example is if someone has a metal health issue, the same narrow-minded people will think that everyone who suffers with that illness will all follow the same path. Whether its suicide, murder, theft or anything else.

Slight tangent there but the point I'm trying to make is that the world is full of ill-conceived pre-judgements, and it probably always will be. You just have to learn to ignore it and have faith that in time the world may be a better place if we work towards a better future. People need to stop denying religion, denying different sexualities, and stop believing that they are alone in the world, because they aren' aren't. And in all honesty the internet is the best place to realise that right now, all you have to do is search a problem and thousands of results will come up, proving you're not alone with whatever problem your having.

Overall don't listen to anyone else, you are in control of your own life...your own happiness and that is what's important. If you need support and you go looking for it, you will find it even in the most unlikely places. Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you! Don't give up you to please everyone else.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."

- Mark Twain

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