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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

Life Means Hope

The brilliance of Stephen Hawking...

"There should be no boundaries to human endeavour. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there is life, there is hope."

- Stephen Hawking

I think this quote is brilliant. Stephen Hawking is such an inspirational man for so many reasons, but for me personally this quote alone speaks volumes. We should always have hope. Hope for many of us, is what keeps us going in the darkest of times. We all go through rough patches, but as long as you have hope in something, even if it's just one can get through it. Hope that you'll find a new love, hope that you'll eventually find a career that's right for you, or even hope that you'll find yourself after becoming lost in the world. It's only when you lose hope in everything, that's worrying...

We also have to remember that everyone is different. What's right for one person, won't necessarily be right for everyone. So we shouldn't be disheartened by not being able to accomplish things in the same amount of time as our friends or peers. Everyone has their own path with their own timing. And if you ever get lost due to circumstance or even emotions than be brave enough to make a new path, others may even follow. Basically don't lose hope, it will be there when no one else is. Have hope, and you will find your way to your success.

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