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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

My Biggest Fear

Ohh the thoughts we have...

Overall I try not to think of my fears. Partly because I'm trying to just live my life and partly because I don't want to have a random panic attack by over thinking. But if I was to choose one thing I really fear. I honestly think it would be the fear of not being able to have children.

There's two reasons why I fear this. The first one being infertility. From what I know there are no real problems of infertility in my family. But you never know do you. I mean what if contraception can have a lasting effect to some degree. They say that once you come off contraception, your fertility state will go to what it is meant to be...(Notice how they don't say, to what it was before you started contraception, as if it will go to whatever fate chooses it to be). So I mean that's a bit of a worry. But I've always seen the whole process of being pregnant and having your own baby as an amazing experience, hard I know...but I'd hate the thought of not being able to conceive.

The second reason I worry about this is because of my lack of partner. When people lay out their life plan they normally want to find a partner, be with them for a few years, get married, have time to themselves for a few more years and then think about having a baby...then if you want more than one, leave a couple of years before trying for another. I'm 23 (not that old I know, but) whenever I hear people talking about the problems that can occur in pregnancy as the person gets older, the age of that person seems to get younger and younger. I always thought the age problems started was people are saying they can start at 30. I know everyone's different and it's just a case that the chance of problems can still scare the shiz out of you. Especially when your already 23.

I know this is probably just me being a woman and over thinking it, but it is serious stuff. Especially when you know at some point you do want kids. Ok time to stop thinking about it before I freak out!

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