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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93


Walking around on auto-pilot...

It seems to me that I've become a bit oblivious to the world around me lately. I walk around on auto pilot too much, which could be a result of being depressed over the years...or it could be because most of the time I'd prefer to be invisible and therefore I don't take notice in the hope I don't get noticed myself. As if over the years I've slowly  been backing myself out of society, excusing myself to be ignorant.

But by doing this it appears I've been also letting the wrong people in and shutting the best ones off to some extent. So this needs to stop. If anything this blog is basically a reminder to myself. To open your eyes! Don't go through life without living, without knowing or taking notice. Have more interactions with people, even if it isn't verbal. Because sometimes its the non verbal communications that can mean the most. Even show a spark between two people.

I feel like I have to remind myself a lot of this...but it's the only way I know how to work it into my head. I think sometimes I just get lost in a sea of social media. I find myself scrolling through Facebook pointlessly for about an hour, before realising that times now gone. So I think I just need to take a step back from that a bit. Focus more on blogging and photography and just exploring and living really.

Ok. Good chat.

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