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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

What if

Who knows...

Okay so I was hesitant to do this post because lately only one thing of 'what if' has been on my mind. And this 'what if' includes my ex.

Today would have marked one year that me and my ex had been going out. So It's funny how this is the day for this particular topic. What's also strange is that my Mac decided to remind me that it would have been one year today...not sure how that happened because I don't remember setting a reminder. Oh and to top it off a guy who was the spitting image of my ex came into my place of work yesterday, strange the coincidence but whatever.

So what if? What if I hadn't broken up with him due to me not feeling like he didn't trust me? What if that was the one and only person to ever truly love everything about me and I kicked them out of my life? What If we had stayed together, then moved in together and even had a 'happily ever after'. It's a difficult one. Firstly because in his opinion he hadn't done anything and therefore nothing had to be fixed. And secondly because I was lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and for me I had to figure that out before I could be happy in any way with which I'm still quite unsure.

But it doesn't stop you wondering what if? What if things had worked out differently and he still wanted me in his life in someway. There's always questions left unanswered...that's life.

So what if? That's it. A question. Left unanswered.

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