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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

10 Places I'd Love To Visit

Just a small selection of a very long list...

This is going to be a really brief blog, just because I feel like I talk about travelling wayyyy too much. So I'm basically just going to list a place and a reason or two why I want to go.

Rome - The history, and the romance I think the two combine just make it a dream destination.

Berlin - Again the history, mainly the Berlin wall. I think it would just be incredible to see where the divide was created, and of course the museums. Also I wouldn't mind going around christmas time to go to the christmas markets.

Krakow - I know all of these seem to be linked to history but I'd like to go here because It's easy to get to Auschwitz, but also I've heard the city is beautiful and cheap!

Paris - another city of love (sad I know), but I always planned to go here since I did french at GCSE! And I love pancakes. And I secretly want to know just how big the Eiffel tower is...

Ireland - this one is for a few reasons. It's partly because if how pretty it looks of P.S I love you, partly because of the titanic museum up in Belfast, partly because i imagine it's scenery is quite similar to Iceland but with trees and less volcano's and partly because I mean the Irish accent...come on!

Miami- one thing you'll be pleased to know is that this is in no way history related. This trip would basically be for the sun and adventure...and by adventure I partly mean rollerblading along the beach boardwalk...because you know...why not!

Canada- basically when my granddad was in the RAF he was based here for a while, so it'd be nice to see some of the things that he saw while he was there.

Budapest- I honestly just think it would be interesting to see the culture of this place, on photo's it looks incredible!

Rio- this would mainly be for the carnival, it just looks amazing!..a once in a lifetime experience as some would say.

Maldives- does this really need a reason? I mean haven't you ever seen a photo? 😮 (If you haven't there's one linked to this post!

Well that's my brief list...where would you like to travel to the most?

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