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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

Interrail 2018

Updated: Jan 2, 2019

A little look into why I decided to go inter-railling and the preparation behind it...

All the essentials...

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to go travelling. But I think the first time I heard the word 'interrailing' was in my first year of university...however with my mind on other things, I never took the time to really look into it and do my research and eventually put it that word to the back of my mind.

Anyway as soon as uni was over I started to look into travelling again as a whole. Europe was always the main goal to begin with. Italy, France, Germany, Prague, the wonder and beauty of the places…right on my door step. The way I’ve always looked at it is that with living in Europe myself, I might as well seize the opportunity and explore the wonders that have been given right in front of me. When I first imagined going travelling in Europe I imagined and planned on doing it as a road trip with someone I was close to…but like I’ve said in a previous blog's our dreams have to adapt to survive.

So when I came out of my last relationship I once again looked into going travelling, but this time on my own. I pretty much already had a route laid out due to looking at it in the past, but this time I decided to look at alternative ways to get around in Europe, which is where interrailing came into it. I initially looked on the Official Interrail website to get an idea of the prices I would be looking at paying and the different ticket types there were. At the time the ‘Youth ticket’ was aged 18-25, and with me already being 24 I made the decision to go just before my 25th birthday (this July), just so I could get it cheaper. So It was decided I would be leaving in June ....(of course after I'd decided this, they changed the youth ticket age up to 27...but what can you do).

So the next thing on the list was to see if anyone I knew wanted to come with me…however the problem with being 24 and single is that most of your friends are in relationships and already saving for their own house or just for their future in general. Which you know is understandable, however I wasn’t going to let the fact that I’d be going on my own put me off the idea. At the end of the day this is the only thing I’m certain I want to do with my life right now, and if I have to do it alone…then that’s the way it will be. There’s a quote somewhere that says something like “in life you can only rely on yourself” and it’s why not take the plunge...even if it does leave people talking. A woman going travelling alone :o how will you do that? Aren't you worried? What if this happens or that happens? Well Barbra things happen everyday, the only difference is that the sun will be on my face when it happens and I'll have actually been living my life. Shocking I know! The audacity!

Anyway I won't go on too much in this blog, I'm sure there will be many more to follow, including a packing list and hostels I'll be staying in, how I'm actually feeling about it all etc. So stay tuned!

"Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self-worth. Only you can be responsible for it. You have to invest in yourself, or no one else will." - Stacey Charter

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