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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

What's Changed

A mid year review...

So it feels like we've only just started  2016, and we're already into June! JUNE!! What's going on?? I swear the days go faster as you get older (yes I'm only 22)...anyway this blog is basically a catch up on what's new and what's changed with me since we hit 1/1/16.

Okay so let's get the boring stuff out of the way. Health wise...I've put on weight 👎🏼 I'm drinking more water which is good. But I'm also eating a lot more. I get bored! When I'm bored I eat. Or that could just be a excuse...I do love food. Also sadly I don't want to 'work out', I have no need, no desire. But thankfully I am trying to embrace my more flabby current body, as in reality this is probably the best it's going to look during my life...unless I start going to the gym of course.

Next on the agenda is Education. I mentioned in a different blog that I'd done a photography course with Shaw academy. I really enjoyed this and went on to do two other courses, which were good...but now I don't know what to do with myself. I don't see the point in doing anymore courses until I decide which direction I want to go in. I really need to make a choice about what I'm doing with my life, but right now I guess my minds on other things.

One thing I know I'm doing right is travelling. I'm trying to travel as much as I can this year while working alongside. When I'm here I just feel lost, as if I have no purpose. Everything just seems so mundane and boring. I seem to have twitchy feet as they say. I just need to get out and get moving as much as possible right now. It's awkward in a sense...

The final thing to really cover in this is relationships I guess. I realised the other day that I've been single for just over a year now. In some ways it's great, no one depending on me. Time to myself whenever I want etc etc. But at the same time I really need to get out there a bit. I feel like I'm becoming a social recluse which I hate! So I've started dating. Ahh it's just confusing to be completely honest...but at least I'm trying. 😬

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