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  • Writer's pictureNatalieO93

Wrapping up 2016

The end of year review...

So another year has come and gone and I was thinking about all the things that have been new to me in 2016.

Firstly this year has been the first time I've left the country four times...which I'm hoping to do again if not better next year. But its honestly been great! In the last few years my anxiety's got the better of me while flying but I'm hoping the more I do of it, the better I'll get.

Next up...sort of cheating because it which links to the first one but... I went to Amsterdam twice. It was somewhere I wanted to tick off my travelling list and it just so happened that the opportunity arose to go twice. I went with the first time with one of closest friends and the second time with a group of friends. Both very different experiences, but both equally amazing. I think I'd definitely go back.

This one isn't a good thing really but 2016 was the first time I got food poisoning...and the best bit about it? I gave it to myself. Yup that's right. I am a cooking genius apparently! Basically I've learnt that I should be very carefully with rice and salmon. Lets hope that was a first and last.

Back to a positive now, I rejoined a gym. This was and is a difficult one for me as I hate working out. The last time I went to the gym was during University and that lasted all of about a month. And when I say a month what I really mean is I had a membership for a month, and I actually stepped foot in the gym around about three times. This time round I'm actually going! I'm also starting to see some least I was before the christmas holidays. Back to it tomorrow, let the pain commence!

Speaking of pain, onto tattoos. In July for my birthday I decided to treat myself (that's right I bought myself presents) by having two tattoos done in one sitting. To be honest I was quite proud of myself. I had one done on my ankle and one on my ribs, and I thought they'd hurt more than they did. These weren't my first tattoos, but everyone I'd spoken to said that the ribs was one of the worst places you could get a tattoo due to the pain. Psshhh whimps I say! Heck I might even do that from now one, rather than just having one done at a time.

Returning to the travelling side of the year, I also visited a few more places in England I hadn't seen before. Last year I decided that I would try to see more of England because I thought it was stupid that there were all of these great cities within driving distance, that I'd never even been to. So I went to Liverpool and Manchester. I only stayed at each for one night but there's still loads to see. I might even have to return this year.

Onto spending dollars. I'm sad to say that this year I started a very unhealthy addiction... which is spending money on shoes. I don't know how it happened as I've never been madly interested in footwear, but I know it wasn't my fault. On the one hand I'm learning more about footwear brands, which is good because I'm like a grandma when it comes to what's in fashion. But on the other hand my bank account hates me for it...I can only hope it was a phase.

Onto the last one...because let's be honest I'm rambling now. 2016 was my year of being completely single without dating. Now this wasn't really planned, I just wasn't that interested or put in any effort. I don't regret it though. A whole year without hassle or drama. A whole year to only think about myself. Don't get me wrong, sure having someone is nice. But this year to myself was great!

Anyway roll on 2017! 365 new days, 365 new chances!

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